Microwave Vacuum Electron Device Engineering

Microwave Vacuum Electronic Device Engineering

  1. Engineered MVEDs in various frequency bands and power levels:

  • Conventional Pulsed and CW Helix TWTs

  • Pulsed and CW Mini-Helix TWTs

  • Power-booster Mini Helix TWTs

  • High Power coupled-cavity TWTs

  • High power Coaxial Magnetron

  • High density Dispenser Cathodes

  1. Experimental Demountable Devices:

  • Virtual Cathode Oscillator- axial, coaxial, and cavity type

  • Relativistic Magnetron with Diffraction Output

  • Magnetically insulated Transmission Line

  • Cold Test Models for Gyrotron Cavities/ Mode Couplers

  • Demountable Magnetron Injection Gun

  • Electrostatic Focusing of Linear Beam

  • Diode chamber for explosive emission cathode evaluation

  1. Vacuum Microelectronics Devices:

  • Si-tip array Field emitters and Gate array

  • Vertically grown CNT array Field Emitters

  • FE- triode (Demountable)

  • Micro machined Serpentine wave guide circuits for Planar TWT

  • Novel Meander line based planar circuits for VMED