Patents &Publications
Patents: Granted:: 1 Filed. : 3
Publications in Journals: 44
Papers in Conferences/ Workshops: 115
Scientific Reports/Manuals: 7
Address/ Keynote Address/ Invited Talks. > 100
Patent Granted:
·“An impregnant cathode composition and process for preparing the same”, Indian Patentt No. 249485, Date of grant 21/10/2011
Patent Applications Filed:
·An invention of octave-bandwidth folded-waveguide slow-wave structure (File No 1290/DEL/2011
·An invention of high efficiency folded-waveguide slow-wave structure (File No. 1930/DEL/2011
·An invention of slow-wave structures of a travelling-wave tube (File No. 845/DEL/2014
Publications in Journals
1 Mrityunjay Santra, Lalit Kumar and Jyothi Balakrishnan, ”Analysis of Long-Periodic Permanent Magnet Structures for Electron Beam Focusing”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 60, no. 5, pp.1776-1781, May 2013
2. M. Sumathy, A. Deepu, S.K. Datta, Latha Christie and Lalit Kumar, ”Design and RF Characterization of Meander-Line and Folded-Waveguide Slow-Wave Structure for Millimeter-Wave Traveling-Wave Tubes”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 60, no. 5, pp. 1769-1775, May 2013
3 Mrityunjay Santra, Lalit Kumar and Jyothi Balakrishnan, ”An Analytical Approach for Obtaining User Defined Axial Magnetic Field Profile of a PPM Focusing Structure”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 58, no. 11, pp. 4087-4092, Nov 2011
4. S.K. Datta, Lalit Kumar and B.N. Basu, ”Pierce Type One Dimensional Eulerian Hydrodynamical Analysis of a Plasma-Filled Helix Travelling Wave Tube”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 882-890, Mar 2011
5 S.K. Datta, V. Bhanu Naidu, P. Raja Ramana Rao, Lalit Kumar and B.N. Basu, ”Simple Formulas for Stopband Attenuation Characteristics of Asymmetric Helical Slow-Wave Structures of Traveling-Wave Tubes”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 57, no. 6, pp. 1447-1454, Jun 2010
6. P.R.R. Rao, V.A. Deshmukh, S.K. Datta and Lalit Kumar, ”Estimation of Circuit Loss in a Broadband Segment-Loaded Helical Slow-Wave Structure of a Traveling-Wave Tube”, International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 280-284, Mar 2010
7. Bhanu Naidu, S.K. Datta, P.R. Ramana Rao, A.K. Agrawal, S.U.M. Reddy, Lalit Kumar and B.N. Basu, ”Three Dimensional Electromagnetic Analysis of Attenuator-Coated Helix-Support Rods of a Traveling-Wave Tube”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 56, no. 5, pp. 945-950, May 2009
8. Mrityunjay Santra, Lalit Kumar and Jyothi Balakrishnan, ”An Improved Analysis of PPM Focusing Structures Including the Effect of Magnetic Saturation in the Iron Pole Pieces”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 56, no. 5, pp. 974-980, May2009
9. S.K. Datta, Lalit Kumar and B.N. Basu, ”A Simple Equivalent Circuit Analysis of the Dielectric Loss in a Helical Slow-Wave Structure of a Traveling-Wave Tube”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 56, no. 6, pp. 1338-1343, Jun2009
10 S.K. Datta and Lalit Kumar, ”A Simple Closed-Form Formula for Plasma Frequency Reduction Factor for a Solid Cylindrical Electron Beam”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 56, no. 6, pp. 1344-1346, Jun2009
11 S.K. Datta, V. Bhanu Naidu, S.U.M. Reddy, Lalit Kumar and B.N. Basu, ”Analytical Exploration of Ultrawideband Helix Slow-Wave Structures Using Multidispersion Phase Velocity Taper”, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, vol. 37, no. 2, pp.311-316, Feb2009
12. M. Sumathy, S.K. Chhotray, D. Senthil Kumar, K.S. Bhat and Lalit Kumar, ”Analysis of a Multibeam Vircator Configuration for Efficiency Enhancement”, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 293-297, Feb2009
13 M. Sumathy, S.K. Chhotray, D. Senthil Kumar, K.S. Bhat and Lalit Kumar, ”Design of Tmon-Mode Couplers for Diagnostics of a Vircator”, Progress in Electromagnetic Research, vol. 10, pp. 49-57, Feb2009
14 S.K. Datta, V.B. Naidu, P.R.R. Rao, Lalit Kumar and B.N. Basu, ”Equivalent Circuit Analysis of a Ring-Bar Slow-Wave Structure for High-Power Traveling-Wave Tubes”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 56, no. 12, pp. 3184-3190, Dec2009
15 S.K. Datta, Lalit Kumar and B.N. Basu, ”A Simple And Accurate Analysis of Conductivity Loss in Millimeter-Wave Helical Slow-Wave Structures”, International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 381-392, Apr2009
16 S.K. Datta, Lalit Kumar and B.N. Basu, ”Analysis of p-Mode Stop Band in an Asymmetric Millimeter-Wave Helical Slow-Wave Structure”, International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, vol. 29, no. 11, pp. 1048-1059, Nov2008
17 S.K. Datta, Lalit Kumar and B.N. Basu, ”A Simple Closed-Form Formula for Backward-Wave Start-Oscillation Condition in Millimeter-Wave Helix Twts”, International Journal of Infrared & Millimeter Waves, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 608-616, Jun 2008
18 S.K. Datta, E.V. Jayashree, S.D. Veena and Lalit Kumar, ”Analysis of a Chiral Dielectric Supported Broadband Helix Slow-Wave Structure for Millimeter-Wave Twts”, International Journal of Infrared & Millimeter Waves, vol. 28, no. 9, pp. 779-787, Sep2007
19 V. Latha Christie, Lalit Kumar and N. Balakrishnan, ”Inverted Slot-Mode Slow Wave Structures for Traveling-Wave Tubes”, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 55, no. 6, pp.1112 -1117, Jun2007
20 V.L. Christie, Lalit Kumar and N. Balakrishnan, ”Analysis of Propagation Characteristics of Circular Corrugated Waveguides Using Coupled Integral Equation Technique”, Progress in Electromagnetic Research, vol. 27, no. 3, 2007
21 V. Latha Christie, Lalit Kumar and N. Balakrishnan, ”Improved Equivalent Circuit Model of Practical Coupled Cavity Slow-Wave Structures for Twts”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 35, no. 4, 20th Nov, 2002
22 Lalit Kumar, “PIERCE: A Program for Improved Ray Tracing In Collectors & Electron Guns”, ITG Fachbericht 150, Displays and Vacuum Electronics, VDE Verlag, Germany, pp. 503-507, Apr, 1998
23 Lalit Kumar, P. Spadtke, R.G. Carter and D. Perring, ”Three-Dimensional Simulation of Multistage Depressed Collectors on Micro-Computers”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 42, no. 9, pp. 1663-1673, Sep1995
24 A.K. Sinha, R. Verma, R.K. Gupta, Lalit Kumar, S.N. Joshi, P.K. Jain and B.N. Basu, “Simplified Tape Model of Arbitrarily Loaded Helical Slow-Wave Structures of a Traveling-Wave Tube”, IEEE Proceedings- H,vol. 139, no. 4, pp. 347-350, Aug, 1992
25 Lalit Kumar, “Computer Simulation of Electron Flow in Linear-Beam Microwave Tubes”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, North Holland, vol. A298, no. 1-3, pp. 332-343, Dec, 1990
26 Lalit Kumar, R.S. Raju, S.N. Joshi and B.N. Basu, ”Modelling of Vane-Loaded Helical Slow-Wave Structures for Broadband Traveling-Wave Tubes”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 36, no. 9, pp. 1991-1999, Sep1989
27 Lalit Kumar and E. Kasper, ”On The Numerical Design of Electron Guns”, Optik, vol. 72, no. 1, pp. 23-30, Jun1985
28 Lalit Kumar and J.S. Verma, ”Radiation From a Radial Waveguide in a Magnetoplasma”, Electronics Letters, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 57-59, 2, Feb1978
Conference Papers
1 Jeevan, M., D. Senthil Kumar, R. Seshadri, and Lalit Kumar, A preliminary experimental demonstration of microwave power transmission, Proc. Nat. Conf. on Emerging Trends in Vacuum Electronic devices & Applications, (VEDA-2015), pp. 81-84, MTRDC, Bangalore, 3-5 Dec 2015
2 Sushil Raina, A.K. Agrawal, Ashok Baniwal, Mithilesh Kumar, Venkat, M. Vijaykumar, B.M. Fazalunisa, Ravi Ninavath, Santosh Kumar K., M. Ravi and Lalit Kumar, “Development of a 150 W pulsed Ku-band multiple beam klystron (MBK)”, National Conference on Vacuum Electronic Devices and Applications (VEDA-2012), CEERI, Pilani, 21-24 Sep 2012
3. V. Nallasamy, Amit Kumar, S.K. Datta, S.U.M. Reddy, P.K. Jain and Lalit Kumar, “Simulation investigation of L-band magnetically insulated line oscillator using CST Particle Studio-2011”, National Conference on Vacuum Electronic Devices and Applications (VEDA-2012), CEERI, Pilani, 21-24 Sep 2012
4. Mrityunjay Santra, Lalit Kumar and Jyothi Balakrishnan, “Computation of axial magnetic field of ring magnets magnetized along an arbitrary orientation angle with respect to the axis”, Proceeding of National conference on Magnetic Materials and applications (MagMA), IIT Madras, Chennai, pp. 34-36, 12-13 Mar 2012
5. S.U.M. Reddy, P. Sidharthan, H.S. Sudhamani, S. Subramanian, M. Santra, S.K. Datta, S. Raina, R. Seshadri, S. Kamath and Lalit Kumar, “Development of broadband helix TWTs, microwave power modules and transmitters for EW applications”,2nd Int. Conf. on Electronics Warfare (EWCI), 21-24 Feb 2012
6 S.K. Data, L. Kumar and B.N. Basu, “Beam wave interaction in a plasma-filled helix TWT”, Scientific Meet on Plasma Assisted Devices, CEERI, Pilani,22 Oct 2010
7 P. Srikrishna, S. Subramanian and Lalit Kumar, “Novel cooling scheme to increase the electronics packing density”, Flotherm Users Conference, Bangalore, 4 Dec 2009
8. V.B. Naidu, S.K. Datta, V.L. Christie, S.U.M. Reddy and Lalit Kumar, “Particle-In-Cell simulation of beam-wave interaction in a helix traveling-wave tube”, Proceedings Symposium on Vacuum Electronic Devices and Applications (VEDA), MTRDC, DRDO, Bangalore, 30 Oct 2009
9 S.K. Datta, S.U.M. Reddy, S. Kamath, K.S. Bhat and Lalit Kumar, “25 years of MTRDC”, Workshop on VEDA – 2009, MTRDC, DRDO, Bangalore,30 Oct 2009
10 Subrata Kumar Datta and Lalit Kumar, “R&D in microwave tubes – challenges and opportunities”, National Symposium on Engineering Education in India, West Bengal, 2008
11 S.K. Datta, Lalit Kumar and B.N. Basu, “A simple and accurate analysis of conductivity Loss in millimeter-wave helical slow-wave structures”, Sprints Science & Business Media, LLC 2008, 4 Dec 2008
12. Lalit Kumar and S.K. Datta, “Advances in microwave vacuum-electronic devices for defence and other applications”, INAE-DRDO National Seminar on Defence Electronics in DRDO: Success, Spin-off and Applications (Reflect-08), Bangalore,16-18 Oct 2008
13 Lalit Kumar,“Advances in microwave vacuum electronic devices”, Frontiers of Microwaves and Optoelectronics, Aurangabad, India, 17-20 Dec2007
14 V. Latha Christie, Lalit Kumar and N. Balakrishnan, “Simulation of a rectangular inverted slot-mode circuit for TWTs”, Proceedings Symposium on Vacuum Electronic Devices and Applications (VEDA 2006), CEERI, Pilani, pp. 322-324, 11-13 Oct 2006
15 V. Bhanu Naidu, V. Latha Christie and Lalit Kumar, “Time domain simulation of inverted slot mode SWS”, roceedings Symposium on Vacuum Electronic Devices and Applications (VEDA 2006), CEERI Pilani, 11-13 Oct 2006
16. Lalit Kumar, “Terahertz radiation”, Proceedings Symposium on Vacuum Electronic Devices and Applications (VEDA 2006), CEERI Pilani, pp.317-319, 11-13 Oct 2006
17. Lalit Kumar, “Triple helix model for innovation”, Workshop on Vacuum Electronic Devices & Applications (VEDA-2006), VEDA workshop, 18-19 Jan 2006
18 Lalit Kumar, “Electron beam technology for microwave vacuum-electronic devices”, Proceedings of Seminar on Electron Beam Technology Applications (SEBTA), BARC, Mumbai, 28-30 Sep 2005
19 M. Santra and Lalit Kumar, “A lightweight iron-free hybrid periodic permanent magnet focusing structure for traveling wave tubes”, Proceedings of National Seminar on Materials for Electrical, Electronic and Magnetic Applications (MEEMA), Hyderabad, 2-3 Sep 2005
20. Lalit Kumar, “Recent trends in microwave vacuum electronic devices”, Proceedings of ELECTRO-2005, BHU, Varanasi, 3-5 Feb 2005
21 Lalit Kumar, “Computer aided design of microwave tubes, information technology in defence”, Computer society of India (DIV-III) and CSI Bangalore, IISc. Bangalore, 25 Jun 2004
22 Lalit Kumar, “An overview of recent trends in microwave vacuum electronic devices”, National Seminar on Emerging Trends in Vacuum-Electronic Devices and Applications (VEDA 2004), 2004
23 Lalit Kumar, “Advances in materials for vacuum electronic devices”, National conference on Emerging trends in Materials for Electrical, Electronics and Magnetic Applications, MEEMA, Pune, 7-8 Nov 2003
24 S.K. Datta and Lalit Kumar, “Carbon nanotube field emitters”, National conference on Emerging trends in Materials for Electrical, Electronics and Magnetic Applications, MEEMA, Pune, 7-8 Nov 2003
25. Lalit Kumar and K.U. Limaye, “Microwave Power Module-an electronic super component for EW systems”, Proceedings of Seminar on Emerging Trends in Electronic Warfare, pp.129-142, 15-16 Dec 2001
26 Lalit Kumar, “High power microwaves in defence applications”, Proceedings of Symposium on Advances in Electronics (ELECTRO-2001), BHU, Varanasi, 4-6 Jan 2001
27 D. Senthil Kumar, P. Janardhan, K.N.N. Prasad, D.C. Pande and Lalit Kumar, “Virtual cathode oscillator(VIRCATOR) experiments on KALI-200”, Proceedings of Symposium on Advances in Electronics (ELECTRO-2001), BHU, Varanasi, pp. 313-317, 4-6 Jan 2001
28 Lalit Kumar, P Raja Raman Rao and SK Datta, “Simulation of a 2-stage depressed collector for a TWT including the effects of secondary electron emission”, Proceedings of Symposium on Advances in Electronics (ELECTRO-2001), BHU, Varanasi, 4-6 Jan 2001
29 S.M. Sharma, R.K. Sharma, A.K. Sinha, Parul Vishnoi, Sanjay Ghosh, S.S. Gupta, Lalit Kumar, R.K. Gupta and S.N. Joshi, “Vacuum processing of gain and phase matched 40W(CW), mini helix TWT”, Proceedings of National symposium on Vacuum Science & Technology and Gas Discharge Tube Switches, Pilani,Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 35-39, Sep 1999
30 Lalit Kumar, “Microwave power module: A hybrid vacuum/solid state electronic super component”, National symposium on Vacuum Science & Technology and Gas Discharge Tube Switches, CEERI, Pilani, 21-23 Sep 1998
31 A.K. Agrawal, S.K. Datta, Sushil Raina and Lalit Kumar, “Microwave tube research and development centre-achievements and target”, 3rd All India Hindi Technical Seminar, DRDO Laboratories, Bangalore, 1998
32 S.M. Sharma, R.K. Sharma, A.K. Sinha, R.K. Gupta, Lalit Kumar and S.N. Joshi, “Generation of electron beam for gain and phase matched power travelling wave tubes”, Proceedings National Symposium on Vacuum Science & Technology & Power Beams, IVS Bulletin, Bombay, vol. 1, 1997
33 A.K. Sinha, S.M. Sharma, Indu Gupta, R.K. Sharma, S.S. Gupta, R.K. Gupta, Lalit Kumar and S.N. Joshi, “Development of a coaxial microwave window for a broadband travelling-wave tube”, Proceedings National Symposium on Recent Advances in Microwaves and Lightwaves, University of Delhi, 4-6 Dec 1995
34 R.S. Raju, Lalit Kumar, R.K. Gupta and S.N. Joshi, “Rare-earth magnets in microwave tubes”, Seminar on Recent Trends in Magnetics - Materials and Applications, Regional Research Laboratory, Bhopal, 8-9 Oct 1993
35 Lalit Kumar, V. Srivastava, A.K. Sinha, R.K. Gupta, R.S. Raju, S. Kapoor, R. Verma and S.N. Joshi, “Advanced CAD packages for design of travelling-wave tubes”, Proceedings National Symposium on Advances in Microwaves, Delhi University, New Delhi, pp. 97-102, Mar 1993
36 Lalit Kumar, “Sealing of glass and ceramic to metals”, Course in Vacuum Science and Technology (CVST-93), CEERI, Pilani, 1993
37 R.L. Dua, R. Verma, Mradula and Lalit Kumar, “Studies on electron gun, beam-wave interaction and mode analysis of gyrotron”, Proceedings Workshop on Gyrotrons and other Fast-wave Devices (GYROFAD-92), CEERI, Pilani, pp. 4.1.1-1727, 27-28 Feb 1992
38 Lalit Kumar and R.K. Gupta, “Technological requirements for gyrotron development”, Proceedings Workshop on Gyrotrons and other Fast-wave Devices (GYROFAD-92), CEERI, Pilani, 27-28 Feb 1992
39 S.M. Sharma, S.K. Sharma, R.K. Gupta, R.S. Raju, Lalit Kumar and S.N. Joshi, “Development of pyrolytic carbon coated attenuators for helix travelling-wave tubes”, National Symposium on Vacuum Science & Technology, Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore, 13-15 Nov 1991
40 S.K. Sharma, S.M. Sharma, R.S. Raju, R.K. Gupta, Lalit Kumar, V. Srivastava, R. Verma, S. Kapoor, S.S. Gupta, A.K. Sinha and S.N. Joshi, “Development of some special techniques for helix travelling-wave tubes”, Symposium on Microwave Power Tubes and their Applications, CEERI, Pilani, 21-23 Sep 1990
41 S.M. Sharma, S.K. Sharma, L. Kumar, R.S. Raju, R.K. Gupta and S.L. Bawalia, “Non-metallic and metallic ceramic-to-metal seals”, Proceedings Sixth National Seminar on Advances in Glasses and Ceramics, Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore, pp. 29-31, 3-4 Oct 1989
42 Lalit Kumar and J.S. Verma, “Radial waveguide antenna for space vehicles”, Space Sciences Symposium, Andhra University, Waltair, 9-12 Jan 1978
43 Lalit Kumar, “Radiation from a plasma column contained in a glass tube & excited by a waveguide”, Symposium Plasma Physics and Magnetohydrodynamics, BARC, Bombay, 21-23 Feb 1977
44 Lalit Kumar and J.S. Verma, “Plasma column as a narrow beam scannable antenna”,Symposium Plasma Physics and Magnetohydrodynamics, BARC, Bombay, 21-23 Feb 1977
45 D. Senthil Kumar, P.R.R. Rao, E.V. Jayashri, P. Sidharthan, Preethi Bhaskar, U.H. Chandramouli, Y. Muralidhar, M.K. Geetha, S. Charyulu, S. Suresh, S.K. Datta, S. Kamath and Lalit Kumar, “Development of electron guns and performance evaluation in a de-mountable UHV system”, National symposium on Indian Vacuum Society (IVSNS), BARC, Bombay, 2003
46 D. Senthil Kumar, B.M. Nair, G. Venugopal Rao, D. C. Pande and Lalit Kumar, “Generation of high power microwaves using virtual cathode oscillator device”, Proceedings of National Workshop on High Power Lasers & Directed Energy Applications, LASTEC, Delhi, pp. 143-147, Feb 2002
47 Ajay Kumar saini, SK Chotray, KV Nagesh, KS Bhat and Lalit Kumar, Experiments on relativistic magnetron with diffraction output, Nat. Symp. On High Power RF & Microwave (HPRFM-2013), pp. 256-259, IPR Gandhi Nagar, 4-6 Sep 2013
48 S.K. Datta, V.B. Naidu, P.V. Siva Rao, Tapas R. Swain, Amit Kumar Singh, D. Senthil Kumar, P.R.R. Rao, K.V. Rao, U.V. Chandramouli, Y. Muralidhar, C.N. Murthy, K. Mirjith, P. Sidharthan, S. Subramanian, S.U.M. Reddy and Lalit Kumar, “Design and development of an MPM based dual transmitter”, National Conference on Vacuum Electronic Devices and Applications (VEDA-2012), CEERI, Pilani, 21-24 Sep 2012
49 Naveen Kumar Sharma, Khilawan Choudhury, Santhosh Kumar Jha, A J Zabiulla, K Mirjith, P Sidharthan, R Seshadri, S Kamathand Lalit Kumar, Design and development of microwave power module for multibeam transmitters for ship borne applications, 3rd Int. Con on Electronic Warfare, (EWCI 2014), 7-10 Feb, 2014, Bangalore
50. Neeraj Kumar, A K Singh, K Mirjith, Ganapathi Hegde, P Sidharthan, M Santra, SUM Reddy and Lalit Kumar, Design & Development of C-Ku band MPM based transmitter for airborne EW Applications, ibid.
51 C. N. Murthy, S. Subramanian, P. V. S. Rao and Lalit Kumar, FEM analysis for thermal deformation of helical SWS,National Conference on Vacuum Electronic Devices and Applications (VEDA-2012), CEERI, Pilani, 21-24 Sep 2012.
Ph.D Thesis Co-Supervised:
Mrityunjay Santra, Ph.D. (2013), Design and Study of Focusing Structures in the Transport of Electron Beam in Linear Beam Tubes, v Bangalore University, Co-guide: Prof. Jyothi Balakrishnan.
S.U. M. Reddy, Ph. D. (2010), Studies on Vane-loaded Coaxial Wave guiding Structures for Gyrotron devices, Indian Institute of Technology-BHU, Varanasi, Co-guide: Prof P. K. Jain.
V. Latha Christie, Ph. D. (2007), Analysis of Coupled-Resonator Slow-wave Structures for Travelling-wave Tubes for Aerospace Applications, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Co-guide: Prof. N. Balakrishnan.